Define your work and activate your leadership with clear, confident communication.


This road doesn’t have to be so alone. When you name your work, you open the door to connection and impact.

Rates for individual leaders start at $5k


What You Get

  • Facilitated 1-1 Ground Truth process that uses foundational stories to name who you are, what you do, and why it matters

  • Mission and Vision statements (as relevant to your work and audience)

  • Values identified with accompanying definitions and measurable behaviors

  • Philosophy of craft, your unique approach

  • Summary report of process and developed language

  • Optional add on: Language development including:

    • Bio in three versions

    • Business About page or Linkedin Profile


The Ground truth process

My signature and proprietary process for developing the internal and external language that empowers you to embrace your unique identity and communicate your contribution to others.


Step 4: Translation

Translate internal language across external forms such as in introductions, bios, and brand communication.

Step 5: Aligned Strategy

Make long-term decisions with clarity, confidence, and integrity. Connect what came before with what comes next in clear, succinct storytelling.

Step 6: Long Term Impact

The Ground Truth isn’t a strategy that expires. It is an anchor that holds true through change and growth.

Step 1: Discernment

20 Minute Call to determine fit and project scope. Delivery of project estimate and contract.

Step 2: Evaluation and Definition

Evaluate current communications. Establish Ground Truth: words for who you are, what you do, and why it matters.

Step 3: Value-Add and Direction

Identify unique contribution.


Leaders LIKE YOU


Lesley-Anne Long is the President and CEO of GBCHealth, a coalition leveraging the full resources of the business community to meet today’s most pressing global health challenges. She was looking for a way to tell the story of her rich and diverse career, from being a barrister in Family Law to developing Ethiopia’s nurse training program with Dr. Tedros. What did these experiences have in common? How could she articulate who she was as she began a new chapter? We used the Ground Truth process to name the essence of her work and translate her story into public facing language.

“Dana is simply magical to work with, whether you’re looking to tell your personal journey or capture the essence of what your organization does. She understands the power of compelling narratives and can help you find the words to tell your story. She understands the beauty of words and how to say just what’s needed. I recommend you have a conversation with her and find the magic for yourself.”